Sunday, August 5, 2012

Full and complete restoration in full swing

And to prove to everyone that I can indeed hear you and I thank you for keeping me safe.  And to prove that I have never been the runaway bride and I never will be I ran when I felt scared in places that I was supposed to be made to be safe and therefore I do represent a calm gentle and submissulive spitit that is safe to marry.  And lastly I give God absolutely all the Glory that is due His name for moving absolutely all of of you in an orchestrated fashion to keep me safe and let it be that I do need my temporary safety home as soon ad possible with my soon to be husband whom I am made to marry so I can continue in full restoration and be joyful wife the amazing new life I have been called to have without any judgement or condemnation or accusations or insults Be All Blessed and Forgiven add Loved.

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