Wednesday, August 22, 2012

New Beginnings Continue:Expand;Extend

Listening - getting past reputation!  Jesus reached out to all!!!   We need to reach out to all generations through all walks of life.  How do we relate to them???

Trinity Broadcasting Network

New Beginnings in Christ Continue;Extend;Expand

Because we are an Awesome example of how to conduct ourselves in all our dimensions;functions everywhere while everyone watches live and prove there is a True and Living God who's Supernatural Power is real for All that want to follow and believe in Christ through love and forgiveness.  I am proud to be a Christian!!!

New Beginnings Continuing;Expand;Extend

It is a great day to continue in Christ because sales and marketing go together as One.  Living the Supernatural in me & ME...I thank God for my communities;Church;Family and friends for moving upon your hearts to thrust me forward!  Love;hugs and a kiss to my #1 guy.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Full & Complete Restoration Upholding Integrity/Normal standards

To answer that it is normal for intimate couples to make videos of themselves in this society where tecnnology is so easily accessible and demanded:  Calling Government reform on freedom of speech protection and privacy to cover all sectors:

WebMD Sex and Relationships Center: Sex Advice for Intimacy, Sexual Health, and a Healthy Love Life

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Full Restoration at every level

Reform;Redirect;Redefine business 'credit wordiness' encapsulating more than one officer;director;employee so it creates a collateral pool:

Dun & Bradstreet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Monday, August 6, 2012

Continuing the healing process

Understanding sin;transgression;iniquity;judgement All according to the Bible looking within so I can walk with understanding and balance since these were missing:

LATEST - Voice of Evangelism - Perry Stone Ministries

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Full and Complete Restoration in Full Swing

My goal is to move forward and give grace love and mercy according to the Bible and my house's docyrine ME and me and time is more than up for this family we all move forward with no more damage lets see where it really All is coming from and that is the reason for the complete open ness and it is seen in my transformation in headship and authority and how we were All called to set the example as such a time as this because we are the leaders and the prototype of how it is done and everyone has different talents and callings and assignments lets fulfill them to overflowing.  the ones that are being used for good and in this situation I have called it everyone so lets cooperate and Not confuse unless we are 101% sure.  Thanking God for absolutely All of you in Christ Karin.

Full and complete restoration in full swing

And to prove to everyone that I can indeed hear you and I thank you for keeping me safe.  And to prove that I have never been the runaway bride and I never will be I ran when I felt scared in places that I was supposed to be made to be safe and therefore I do represent a calm gentle and submissulive spitit that is safe to marry.  And lastly I give God absolutely all the Glory that is due His name for moving absolutely all of of you in an orchestrated fashion to keep me safe and let it be that I do need my temporary safety home as soon ad possible with my soon to be husband whom I am made to marry so I can continue in full restoration and be joyful wife the amazing new life I have been called to have without any judgement or condemnation or accusations or insults Be All Blessed and Forgiven add Loved.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Complete in Him for him and only him

Because I have called myself a woman in the middle of various situations it is now turned for good to my benefit because I walk expecting all the promises of God declared over me True and Amen to be fulfilled in me to show there is a True and Living God and that He does indeed remove mountains, makes time stand still and works miracles for His Glory.  I love you All forever because I can feel your love and warm prayers over me and I am truly moved to tears of joy!!!

Continuing the full restoration and complete process

Treatment of all our enemies which have been evidenced in 'me' and 'ME' we continue in love in complete obedience to our functions please allow the full process to continue to allow complete repair and healing without causing any more hindrance or damage we owe Love and Forgiveness to All and I remain in All my functions for now just as I was and am as I have declared  putting My Heacenly Father above All in All:

Continuing in the full restoration process and in training

Because all confusion needed to be cleared up and it needed to be stated so I remain faithful!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Karin Spencer

And all in all I have fulfilled being raised up for a time such as this and My Heavenly Father getting Absolutely All the Glory and Honor to His name Because much grace has been given to the diamonds that have now been polished and now we can all start living in peace with the life God predestined us to live.  I absolutely love everyone everywhere for allowing God to direct you and extending love and forgiveness through this whole process.

Continuing in Full Restoration moving on to Completion

Realizing now that God used my long term marriage and Philip to preserve me for the right timing to get married and that is why I bless Philip doubly for everything he has done has turned out for good and to usher in my engagement Praising and Thanking God for Absolutely Everybody because God Has mobilized you all to bring it all together in every possible way.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Full Restoration Continues

Refocusing my goals & mission:
1)  Integrated and complete living in Christ by grace.
a) Listening to Sermons & Christian Music 'ME'
2)  Continuing in New Marriage Focus - Dating
3)  Start Career
4)  Start School
5)  Start Netwotking

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Full Restoration Process

And I realize I am self publishing now live in public through social media and it is wonderful.  I do feel like I am living my favorite movie, can you guess which one it is? This is the awesome part about my life that I will marry who I am supposed to marry this time around and it will happen no matter who or what tries to stop it because we were meant to be together and at it will happen at its precise and appointed time and this makes me laugh!!!

Full Restoration Process

I still remain firm in all my beliefs and I am still the same person in character sweetness love for everyone and a forgiving heart but I feel like a woman who is beginning to flourish and advance and I am grateful to God first and Absolutely Everybody who has been helping me Family, Friends and communities.  Pretty much in a nutshell I am growing up in everyway having been been set free from a marriage and concepts in every discipline that gave either been misunderstood or incorrectly applied.  I could never have done it alone without you.  I am also noticing that I am not responding to cues as I was because if they are not a direct text from the person contacting me writing me it is unclear of what you are trying to tell me and that makes me understand what some of you were all trying to tell me at the time but i was not at a place where it could be clearly seen.  Thank you!!!